Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Latest Purchase and Why

I was at a big toy store downtown last week and I saw this Barbie, part of the Birthstone Beauties Collection ON SALE! That wasn't really the reason I bought her, it was because her face reminded me of Sarah Brightman!

Here's a better image to help make the comparison. I know with the right hairstyle and costume, I'm going to have my very own One-of-a-kind Sarah Brightman doll. Just wait until she's'll see.

Now this image here has NOTHING to do with Sarah Brightman. It has to do with my understanding of the "Model Muse" body-type of Barbies. The hips are SO slim, that the "Belly-button" Barbies can't wear the "Model Muse" clothing. I know because that's what I tried to do with "Miss Garnet's" clothes. I'm just going to have to make some adjustments. This one is going to get an entirely new costume and hairstyle anyway.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Awesome Suzanne ! You have a good eye for this one. Like you, I think Sarah Brighman is a "doll" too, ha. Looks like you have the proof now.

ps: love your taste in interests! If you ever want a penpal, write me at

More power to you !